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Microstructural Kinetics Group

Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy
Development of new precious-metal BMG compositions
Kinetics of Amorphous Materials


PhD Candidate at the University of Cambridge (Queens' College). Kindly supported by the Goldsmiths' Charity and Assay Office, London. Researching Bulk Metallic Glasses (BMGs) based on precious metals for use as materials for Jewellery.

M.A. in Natural Sciences (Class I) – University of Cambridge

M.Sci. in Materials Science (Class I) – University of Cambridge

Recipient of Part IA Rolls-Royce Materials Prize (Top two in first-year undergraduate course) and Part II CEGB Prize (2nd in year for final year study (M.A.)).


My research interest is improving the tarnish resistance of gold-based bulk metallic glasses (BMGs). The partitioning of elemental copper and internal oxidation of silicon leads to abnormally fast tarnishing of these alloys.

Gold-based BMGs are an exciting development for jewellery, specifically those which are Hallmark compliant (18 K i.e. >75 wt.% Au). They offer the possibility of more wear and scratch-resistant jewellery pieces, whilst also opening up new possibilities for design through thermoplastic forming processing (i.e. processing like plastics).


Key publications: 
  1. O. S. Houghton, A. Lindsay Greer, "A Conflict of Fineness and Stability: Platinum and Palladium-Based Bulk Metallic Glasses for Jewellery: Part I", Johnson Matthey Technology Review, 2021 LINK .
  2. O. S. Houghton, A. Lindsay Greer, "A Conflict of Fineness and Stability: Platinum and Palladium-Based Bulk Metallic Glasses for Jewellery: Part II", Johnson Matthey Technology Review, 2021 LINK .
Other publications: 

I have presented at The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society Annual Meeting and Exhibition:

  • Crystallization of a Au-based Bulk Metallic Glass: Influence of the initial glassy state (2022, Anaheim)

  • Imaging Crystallization of a Au-based Bulk Metallic Glass: Influence of the initial glassy state (2023, San Diego)

I have also presented at Industry conferences for the Jewellery and Luxury Goods industry:

  1. O. S. Houghton, "A search for long-lasting luster and fineness: Developments in Bulk Metallic Glasess in Jewellery" in The Santa Fe Symposium on Jewelry Manufacturing Technology 2020, Met-Chem Research, Albuerquerque, New Mexico, USA, 2020.
  2. O. S. Houghton, L. Y. Schmitt, U. E. Klotz and A. L. Greer, "Will they work? A proof-of-concept study comparing a 500 Pd BMG and and crystalline alloys for watch pieces and jewelry", The Jewelry Symposium 2023, Minneapolis.
  3. O. S. Houghton, "Bulk metallic Glasses based on Precious Metals: Progress on the Issues", The Jewellery Technology Forum, Vicenza, Italy

Teaching and Supervisions


I supervise students at Queens' and Robinson College for the Part IB Materials Science and Part IA Mathematics Courses (Natural Sciences Tripos).

Goldsmiths' PhD Studentship: Metallic glasses based on precious metals
 Owain  Houghton

Contact Details

Email address: 
Not available for consultancy

