Submitted by Adeline Nicol on Thu, 05/03/2020 - 11:15
Sofia University - Doctor honoris causa - Professor A. Lindsay Greer
On Monday 2 December 2019, at an official ceremony at the Aula Magna of the Rectorate, Professor A. Lindsay Greer was awarded the "Doctor Honoris Causa" honorary degree of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”.
The proposal for the conferral of the honorary degree of the oldest and most prestigious high academic institution in Bulgaria came from the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy of Sofia University.
The official ceremony was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy Professor Tony Spassov, who introduced Professor Greer. Professor Greer was then awarded the title "Doctor Honoris Causa" by the Deputy Rector of Sofia University, Professor Nikolay Vitanov .
As part of the ceremony Professor Greer gave an academic lecture entitled "Extending the Range of the Glassy State of Matter".