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Microstructural Kinetics Group

Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy

ExtendGlass project gets underway

This project on ‘Extending the range of the glassy state:  Exploring structure and property limits in metallic glasses’ is supported by a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant held by Prof.  Lindsay. Greer.  Metallic glasses (MGs), among the most actively studied metallic materials, have attractive mechanical properties (high elastic limit) but show work-softening and lack ductility.  The ExtendGlass project will build on recent work showing that the as-cast state of MGs can be much altered by thermomechanical treatments: rejuvenation (to higher energy) offers improved plasticity (perhaps even desirable work-hardening); relaxation (to lower energy) offers access to ultrastable states.  The research aims to extend the range of glassy states and to explore the consequences of unusual states, particularly for mechanical properties and for phase stability/crystallization.

One appointment has already been made, key equipment has been purchased, and more is under construction.  Please see the Jobs page for preliminary information on further positions soon to be advertised.